
Showing 11-17 of 17 books

By Betty Bastien (Author)


Blackfoot Ways of Knowing provides a deep dive into Blackfoot language, culture, and traditional knowledge intertwined with Betty Bastien’s engagement with her identity. Guided by Elders and her own experiences, Bastien provides an extensive exploration … [Click to Read More]

By René Fumoleau (Author)


In As Long As This Land Shall Last, Fumoleau outlines the relationships and parties involved in the areas under Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, which includes Northern Alberta. Particular attention is paid to providing sources … [Click to Read More]


La Confédération canadienne est un sujet complexe à aborder d’une manière qui reconnaît les peuples autochtones, les colons anglophones et les colons francophones, mais La Confédération, 1864-1999 tente de décrire les facteurs principaux qui ont … [Click to Read More]


Canadian Confederation is a complex topic to tackle in a way that acknowledges the experiences of Indigenous peoples, Anglophone settlers, and Francophone settlers. Reconsidering Confederation attempts to outline the major factors that led to the … [Click to Read More]

By Eden Robinson (Author)


Formatted as an accessible short memoir, The Sasquatch at Home is a stream of moments from Eden Robinson’s life, delving into relationships, family, place, and identity. Coming from an Indigenous perspective, Robinson discusses protocol and … [Click to Read More]

By Michael Crummey (Author)


In a critical review of fiction as a mirror tinted by the perspective of an author, Michael Crummey launches a short but deep dive into what exactly fiction is in relation to reality. Most of … [Click to Read More]

By Leanne Betasamosake Simpson (Author)


Using beaver dams as a metaphor for Indigenous blockades, A Short History of the Blockade provides a perspective on Indigenous resistance and resilience. With short chapters but deep meaning, Simpson’s work can be used to … [Click to Read More]