Reconsidering Confederation: Canada’s Founding Debates, 1864–1999

Cover of Reconsidering Confederation: Canada's Founding Debates 1864 - 1999. It contains the title along with 'Edited by Daniel Heidt'.

Canadian Confederation is a complex topic to tackle in a way that acknowledges the experiences of Indigenous peoples, Anglophone settlers, and Francophone settlers. Reconsidering Confederation attempts to outline the major factors that led to the Canada we know today. In particular, this book does an excellent job of contextualizing treaties within the broader history of Confederation. Each chapter focuses on one or two provinces or territories and their paths to joining Canada, including a discussion of the debates of the time, further reading sections, and extensive citations. Though primarily focused on textual information, the book contains several maps, photos, and other archival materials that could be used to teach about using primary sources in research. This book is also available in French under the title La Confédération, 1864-1999 : nouvelles perspectives.

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Supplementary Resources:
Lesson plan mini-units designed for grades 7–8 and high school classes, catering to provincial histories and curriculum requirements, including specific packages for Alberta. This title is available through the University of Calgary’s open access program and can be found on their website.

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