
Showing 51-60 of 64 books

By Betty Bastien (Author)


Blackfoot Ways of Knowing provides a deep dive into Blackfoot language, culture, and traditional knowledge intertwined with Betty Bastien’s engagement with her identity. Guided by Elders and her own experiences, Bastien provides an extensive exploration … [Click to Read More]

By René Fumoleau (Author)


In As Long As This Land Shall Last, Fumoleau outlines the relationships and parties involved in the areas under Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, which includes Northern Alberta. Particular attention is paid to providing sources … [Click to Read More]


La Confédération canadienne est un sujet complexe à aborder d’une manière qui reconnaît les peuples autochtones, les colons anglophones et les colons francophones, mais La Confédération, 1864-1999 tente de décrire les facteurs principaux qui ont … [Click to Read More]


Canadian Confederation is a complex topic to tackle in a way that acknowledges the experiences of Indigenous peoples, Anglophone settlers, and Francophone settlers. Reconsidering Confederation attempts to outline the major factors that led to the … [Click to Read More]

By Laura Swart (Author)


Cut It Out is a guide to improved writing. Each chapter focuses on one of ten rules to help learners avoid some of the most common sentence errors. The chapters provide explanations, examples, and a … [Click to Read More]

By Cora J. Voyageur (Author)


My Heroes Have Always Been Indians showcases a collection of 100 Indigenous people—past and present—who excel in every field, from business to art and more. A diverse expression of Indigenous excellence, this book features a … [Click to Read More]

By Jonathan Locke Hart (Author)


Unforgetting Private Charles Smith can be broken into two parts. The first part is the story of the author’s journey of connection with a forgotten Canadian soldier, Private Charles Smith, through the discovery of Smith’s … [Click to Read More]

By Jack W. Brink (Author)


Despite including a great deal of archaeological and enthnoanthropological information, Imagining Head-Smashed-In is written in an accessible manner, allowing inexperienced readers to delve into the history of this UNESCO World Heritage Site in great detail. … [Click to Read More]

By Alexander Finbow (Author), Nyco Rudolph (Illustrator)


With brightly coloured illustrations, When Big Bears Invade depicts a simple tale, told by a grandmother, of giant bears destroying various Canadian cities. An environmental moral underpins the story, as the bears’ rise to action … [Click to Read More]

By Mark Zuehlke (Author), Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair (Author), Alexander Finbow (Author), Claude St. Aubin (Illustrator), Christopher Chuckry (Illustrator)


Following up from an earlier book focusing on the War of 1812, The Loxleys and Confederation rejoins the Loxley family in 1864 as Canadian Confederation discussions are taking place. Told through the graphic novel format … [Click to Read More]